Small Groups



God Designed Us to be a part of a community

God never intended for us to live the Christian life alone. In Genesis 2:18, God said "It is not good for the man to be alone." Jesus called disciples to him. His disciples called others to Jesus.  The early church consisted of a community of believers who loved God and loved one another.

Small groups are groups of like-minded people who want to grow in their spiritual journey. Groups can be very small... two or three people... or really big... 25 or more. They may meet regularly at the church,  in someone's home, or at a local restaurant.  The possibilities are endless. Each group is as unique as it's members.

Typical small group activities include bible study, local mission work, meals, game nights, and other social activities. If you are new to the church, or if you want to further connect with our church community, give a small group a try.

Band of Brothers Men's Group

Contact: Ed Castleberry. This group meets the first Saturday of the month at 8am at the Wesley Centre.  In addition to group study focusing on issues relating to men, they have a Helping Hands Ministry which provides assistance to our members with minor repairs.

Open Door

Contact: Julie Winter, 813-763-2579. Meets twice a month on Thursdays at 7pm for snacks and study (generally videos and discussion). Meets in the Open Door room in the traditional building. There are currently 12 members of this group, ages 42-65.

Servant's Servants

Leader: Larry Jackson, 813-473-0850. Meets 2nd & 4th Sundays at 6:30pm, in the Wesley Centre for snacks and study. There are currently 12 members, ages 50 - 70+, but all ages are welcome. Studies are Bible-based and by various religious authors. They usually meet at least once a quarter for a game night pot luck at one of the member's homes.

Small Small World

Leader: Rick Norman, 813-230-7737.  Meets twice a month on Thursdays, 6pm for potluck dinner, 7pm for study on the 1st floor of the Education Building (Room 121).  The group explores various Bible video series by well-known authors. Food and fellowship are very important to this group! There are 12 - 25 members (middle-aged to seniors).

SEEDS (Sisters Encouraging & Enjoying Discipleship Study)

Leader: Nancy Wisgerhof, 813-833-0541. Approximately 15 women (ages 30 - 70+) meet in person or via Zoom. Some meet before the study at local restaurants for lunch and fellowship.

Daughters of Discipleship

New. Vital. Purposeful.  A new women’s ministry that focuses on engaging women of all generations.  Our special emphasis is on women; our eyes are on God.  All women are welcome!   We meet the second Tuesday of every month at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., from September through May.  Please Contact: Debbie Kaczmarek or Suzanne Wicker for more details.

United Women In Faith

Formerly United Methodist Women. This women's ministry is rich in a history of working for justice through compassionate service and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems that harm women, children and youth. They meet on the second Thursday of the month at 1:15PM.  Contact: Ginny Roebuck 813-505-9399

Scrapbooking Ministry

Contact: Debbie Kaczmarek, 813-956-3887.  Sharing a love for preserving memories through scrapbooking which is centered around Christian fellowship. Meets four times a year: January- March-June-September. Age Demographic: 15 years and older. Group size: 20 maximum.    Location is on the 3rd floor of the traditional building.  This group helps fund the ministries of the Daughters of Discipleship. 

Fellowship of Readers

A Christian women's book club that meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 11:15AM. Contact Debbie Kaczmarek.

Young at Heart

This 50+ group meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month, September through May, at 11AM for lunch and a program. The cost is $6. Contact Barbara Carver at 813-756-3054.