We are seeking qualified applicants for consideration for our Administrative Assistant position. Please submit a resume and cover letter here.
Job Description: The Church Administrative Assistant and Communications Specialist will support the daily operations of the church by providing administrative assistance and helping manage communication efforts. Responsibilities include scheduling, maintaining church records, assisting with event coordination, and managing communication channels such as newsletters, social media, and website updates. The role will involve working closely with church leadership to ensure smooth operations and effective outreach to the congregation.
Key Responsibilities:
• First point of contact during church office hours: answer phone, manage emails and mail, answer doorbell.
• Assist the ministers in correspondence, scheduling of events and appointments, notification of requested visitation, and other related duties.
• Maintain a master church calendar and manage facilities use requests.
• Prepare, maintain, and coordinate all Conference and District reports.
• Maintain the necessary supplies and materials for the office and church services.
• Send notifications of meetings.
• Create and distribute church bulletins, newsletters, and other communication materials.
• Manage church social media accounts and website content to ensure up-to-date information.
• Administer the church management software and maintain the church membership register.
• Coordinate with Facilities Director on work orders for the week.
• Help recruit, train, and supervise volunteers as needed for administrative assistance.
• Collaborate with and assist finance and stewardship committees, treasurer, finance secretary, and bookkeeper with church expenditures, bills/invoices, payments, and budget.
• Collaborate and work with other church committees and small groups as needed. Assist volunteers as appropriate to church activities.
• Assist Facilities Director with managing and supervising building and campus maintenance and repairs in collaboration with the Lead Pastor and Trustees.
• Help coordinate and procure external service vendors, review and negotiate contracts with the Facilities Director, Lead Pastor, and Trustees.
• Help coordinate weddings and funerals.
• Approve any other appropriate duties as approved by the Lead Pastor.
• Has training or proven experience in office management and use of office equipment.
• Is teachable and willing to learn. Proficient in at least Microsoft Office and social media platforms.
• Understands and practices leadership skills, is self-motivated and demonstrates communication, time-management, and administrative skills.
• Demonstrates the qualities of spiritual maturity, integrity, family devotion, positive attitude, and kindness. Operates from a Scriptural basis and is value driven and loyal.
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