The One Isaiah Foretold



by: Rev. Dennis Roebuck



Luke 4:16 “He went to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day He went into the Synagogue, as was His custom.”

As Jesus read the scroll from Isaiah, He declared His place as the one Isaiah foretold. As He continued, He shared the inabilities of the prophet Elijah to heal many in Israel of leprosy which angered the people to the point that they drove Him out of the Temple and to a cliff to shove Him to His death. But, verse 30 says “He walked right through the crowd and went on His way.”

What We Should Know

The people of Nazareth refused to accept a local boy as a prophet. Jesus was not surprised as He stated in vs. 24 “….no prophet is accepted in His home town.”Jesus’s time to depart had obviously not come as He walked right through the angry crowd and continued His ministry. Fortunately for us, we have, as Paul Harvey would say, “the rest of the story.”

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Luke 4:16 “He went to Nazareth, where He had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day He went into the Synagogue, as was His custom.”

As Jesus read the scroll from Isaiah, He declared His place as the one Isaiah foretold. As He continued, He shared the inabilities of the prophet Elijah to heal many in Israel of leprosy which angered the people to the point that they drove Him out of the Temple and to a cliff to shove Him to His death. But, verse 30 says “He walked right through the crowd and went on His way.”

What We Should Know

The people of Nazareth refused to accept a local boy as a prophet. Jesus was not surprised as He stated in vs. 24 “….no prophet is accepted in His home town.”Jesus’s time to depart had obviously not come as He walked right through the angry crowd and continued His ministry. Fortunately for us, we have, as Paul Harvey would say, “the rest of the story.”

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