I Cor 12:18-20 “But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. 19. If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20. As it is there are many parts, but one body.”
In this Scripture (vs. 12-27), Paul has compared the makeup of the Church to that of the human body and he makes it abundantly clear that each one of us has a unique gift to offer toward its health and growth. There was a man in the church where I grew up who was mentally challenged. He lived with his mother and they never missed a church service. His name was Earnest and he loved the Lord. Well, Earnest decided that he wanted to sing in the choir. The problem was he couldn’t carry a tune or control his volume. The pastor called Earnest aside and told him the church needed to be sure Sunday School breaks on time every Sunday. He told Earnest that the church needs his skill to ring the bell on time. Earnest was very proud of his new position and performed it faithfully until the day he died.
What We Should Know
In spite of his affliction, Earnest was a functioning part of his church and served his Lord faithfully. We should all be able to acknowledge our spiritual gifts and take pride in serving our Lord. Earnest was an inspiration to me. Maybe you’re not aware of your spiritual gift. Your pastor can help you find it. God called you into your church because He has a special need for you.
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