Love. There is so much power in that one word, isn't there? It has the power to completely transform life. However, I think it is funny how we sometimes use this word in our current culture and society. Just last week, I was telling Chris how much I love animal crackers. How can in one sentence we tell a family member, a friend, a significant other, or a spouse, "I love you" and in the next moment, profess our love for animal crackers? It doesn't make any sense. Since Valentine's Day, the holiday of “love” is just around the corner, I think it is important for us as Christ-followers to really understand the meaning of this word that is largely misunderstood. What exactly is love? How do we define it? How do we understand it?
As Christians, we learn about and experience the highest form of love, called agape. Agape is a Greek term that refers to unconditional, selfless, and sacrificial love. Unlike other types of love that can be based on affection, friendship, or romantic feelings, agape is more about choosing to care for and serve others, even when it is difficult or does not benefit oneself. It is a love that seeks the well-being of others, prioritizing their needs over one’s own.
Agape shown on the human level mirrors and is powered by God’s own causeless and ceaseless love for us. It is a love based on His choice to love and accept us while we were yet still sinners, even when we did not deserve it. The basis and pattern for agape love is God’s own forgiveness and love for us. He gave us more and exceedingly better than what we deserved, and He now calls and equips us to give others better than they deserve. We have the ability, by His power at work in us, to put their interests above our own, taking the same humble attitude that Chris had when He took on human flesh.
My prayer for you this Valentine’s Day, when the word “love” will be obnoxiously thrown in your face, is that you would be reminded that you have been chosen by God, and you are holy and beloved. May you focus on God’s agape love for you, His unconditional, perfect, and never-ending love, and may you love others the way Christ so loves you.
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